Power of the People
Original Title: Kansanvalta
Length: 65 min
Genre: Documentary
Year of Production: 2022
Writer-Director: Mervi Enqvist
Producer: Essi Haukkamaa / Greenlit Production (FI)
Cinematographer: Hannu Käki
Editor: Jaani Kivinen
Composer: Marko Nyberg
Sound Designer: Joonas Jyrälä
The Documentary follows Finnish Laura Eklund Nhaga’s journey
as she tells her thoughts about living as a racialized person in Finland.
It shows her travels to the USA to meet Heather Booth,
from Midwest Academy, to learn about organising and how to bring
those teachings into action.
Kansanvalta is a documentary film about personal impact, finding
your own voice and learning how to effectively work for change.
01/2022 DocPoint – Helsinki Documentary Film Festival, Finland
09/2022 Espoo Ciné International Film Festival, Finland
09/2021 Helsinki International Film Festival, Finland

Director's Motivation
Mervi Enqvist
In our earlier film War/Peace we began studying the activism, but that was more about radical
and violent activism in the late 60’s and early 70’s, and how we as a society seem to be heading to the same direction once again. After the film came out some people from audience contacted me telling, that they felt helpless and powerless after seeing the film. One person said to me If our society is really that bad what can I do to change it? From there I began thinking that we need to make another film that gives people hope and the tools.
Four years ago, I met Heather Booth in Washington DC while she was working with the campaign for the national Democratic Party. Her own activism began in early 60’s with Freedom Summer, and later she created the Midwest Academy in Chicago, a school for activists. After meeting with her it came clear to me that she had the answers I were looking for. She could tell me and through our film to the audience what are the steps for an affective activism.
We wanted to aim this film for younger audience, and we ended up finding Laura. She was in a perfect age, just stepping out from her comfort zone with her powerful voice, looking for the ways to make her own life as racialized youth a bit easier for her and others. We began following her while she was searching how to get her own voice heard.
There is so much potential in youth and they’re very involved of the happenings in the world. All they need are the tools, and knowledge of the steps to take. I think this is very important because without the tools they might end up to that violent and radical path that we saw in the 60’s and 70’s.
Sometimes we think that activism is only marching and rallying but there are so many ways to be active. The real power is in people who work together, but it often starts from that one person sharing her story.